Maranta leuconeura

Prayer Plant; Lemon Lime Prayer Plant

  • Bright, indirect light
  • Regular water - keep moist, water when the top couple of inches are dry. Reduce water in fall and winter
  • Marantas enjoy added humidity
  • Provide consistent warmth - 60-70 degrees
  • Use filtered water as the chlorine in tap water can burn their leaves

In Store Pickup Only; no shipping available

    Availability: In Stock
    Price: $36.99


       Lemon Lime Maranta, aka Lemon Lime Prayer Plant will stop you in your tracks with its bold, deeply veined leaves that look almost hand painted. Leaves close 'in prayer' at night and unfurl with the morning light. Maranta are trailing plants, and non-toxic to pets.

      Follow care instructions carefully, as Maranta are sensitive to temperature, humidity and watering, but amply rewarding for those who treat them right. Mature size approx 1'h x 14"w. 

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        2600 NE University Village St,
        Seattle, WA 98105

        Mon-Sat 9:30am - 8pm
        Sunday 10am - 7pm

        (206) 729-7388
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