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Make spending time at home more enjoyable by introducing a few indoor plants to green up your space! New shipments arrive regularly, so if you don’t see what you’re looking for, give us a call at (206) 729-7388 and we’ll help you find just the right plant for your conditions.
Norfolk Pines are the rare tropical conifer perfectly suited to indoor gardening. A wonderful way to bring a small piece of the forest into your home. Bright, indirect light, easy care.
From the coastal mountains of SE Brazil, these showy members of the Cactus family are very different from the desert Cactus. Christmas Cactus bloom yearly around Christmas, and prefer bright indirect light. Give them high humidity and regular watering throughout the year, except during a period of rest and light water after the end of August until buds appear, and they will be covered with showy, silky blooms for the holidays.
Easy care variety of the Japanese Birdsnest fern, with extra rippled leaves. On NASA’s list of top plants for improving indoor air quality. Bright, indirect light to low lightKeep soil lightly moist at all times
This long-blooming houseplant can provide blooms for a month or more! Easy care - bright indirect light, let dry slightly between waterings. Reliable and cheerful, kalanchoe make great gifts, especially when paired with a handsome ceramic cachepot.
Few plants give such a big reward for such little care! Place your Anthurium in the brightest spot out of direct sun, and let the soil dry out partially between waterings. The large, waxy red flowers last for several weeks on the plant, and up to six weeks as a cut flower. Easy, tropical and showy.
Possibly the most undemanding indoor plant. Native to East Africa, this sculptural plant is happy in bright, indirect light, but is also one of the most tolerant of low light conditions. As a bonus, you only need water approximately once a month; underground rhizomes and fleshy stems store water like a camel. And as a bonus, a great plant for cleaning the air.
Sanseveria are succulent plants that thrive in a wide range of conditions and with little care. If benign neglect is your specialty, this plant is for you.Light: Tolerant of most lighting conditions- bright, medium or low lightWatering: Water deeply only when they are quite dry.
Native to tropical Africa where they thrive in wet and warm conditions, Ficus lyrata are extremely popular houseplants as their large leaves add an instant tropical vibe to any room. Meet their care requirements and these fast growers can be very rewarding. Require very bright light, but no direct sun on the leaves. A south facing window is ideal.From spring to fall, water when the top inch of soil gets dry to the touch. Water less often in winter.Consistency is key to success - consistent...
Ideal for beginners, Peperomia 'Hope' is adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Its soft, trailing stems, delicate leaves and small fleshy leaves are semi-succulent, making it an easy care plant. It prefers to be a bit tight it's pot, so when repotting, go up just one pot size at a time.
Amazing, colorful tropical foliage with white, pink, red and green leaves.Light: Bright, indirect lightTemperatures above 60 degreesWatering: Let top 1-2" of soil dry between waterings*Curbside pick-up only; item does not ship
Easy care variety fern from the asparagus family. Soft, delicate leaf structure belies its tough and forgiving nature.Bright, indirect lightLet top 1" of soil dry out between waterings Curbside pick-up only; item does not ship
Beautiful, wavy leaves are striped with dark green and feature brilliant burgundy undersides.Light: Bright, indirect lightTemperatures above 60 degreesWatering: Keep soil evenly moist in warm months; in winter, allow top of soil to dry out
Native to tropical forests of South America, Calathea vittata features elegant, deep green elliptical leaves with linear white markings, almost as if painted with a brush. Light: Bright, indirect lightTemperatures above 60 degreesWatering: Keep soil evenly moist in warm months; in winter, allow top of soil to dry out
Bright, indirect lightRegular water - let top inch of soil dry out between watering.Fruiting requires a mature plant and hand pollination
Native to South Africa, succulent Jade plants are easy care houseplants that enjoy a bit of neglect. For the healthiest plant, give it brightest spot possible, preferably with at least four hours of direct sun or bright indirect light. Let Jade dry out between deep waterings - water every couple of weeks in the summer, once a month in winter. Jade likes to be rootbound, so no need to repot for several years.
The smallest of the Boston Ferns, maturing at about one foot high and wide, with button-like leaves on arching stems. Bright indirect lightRegular waterPrefers some humidity
Delicate foliage set atop black stems makes this fern a favorite. Bright, indirect lightKeep soil evenly moist; benefits from increased humidity